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Sharpening an Image before Export

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I have added an Unsharp Mask Filter and set the radius and factor sliders. When I zoom into the image and commence to click on the portion of the image I want to sharpen the radius slider reverts to 0.

Also the Unsharp Mask Filter dialogue box does not have the three small indicators on the top left screen. Do you I have a setup wrong? Any thoughts?

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Hi Don Baartz :)

10 hours ago, Don Baartz said:

When I zoom into the image and commence to click on the portion of the image I want to sharpen the radius slider reverts to 0.

This is by design, the filter can be set manually using the slider, or you can click and drag on your image to change the value based on how far you move your mouse. This means if you simply click once, then the value will revert to 0px.

10 hours ago, Don Baartz said:

Also the Unsharp Mask Filter dialogue box does not have the three small indicators on the top left screen. Do you I have a setup wrong?

Are you using the Windows version of Affinity Photo? If so, this is totally normal behaviour. Our tutorial videos are created on a Mac which has a different UI design than windows for menu bars, your filter should look as follows on Windows, you haven't set up anything incorrectly, nor does this affect the filter or editing capabilities :) 


I hope this helps!

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