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First of all, I do really like Affinity Publisher and I find tutorials great. Titles are clear (so you can go directly to the issue you are looking for), explanations as well.

I created a 56-page document with texts and pictures and it did work perfectly. 

My only concern is about boxes and related sizes. Is there a palette to open when creating boxes/image boxes/rectangles to precisely set sizes, position of the element (x, y) and possibly their distribution in relation to other similar elements?



That would be the Transform panel, which should be visible by default, though it may be hiding behind other panels (Navigation?) in the lower-right section of the window.

This works on the currently selected object, rather than creating an object, so if you want to create one by manually entering that data, you would drag one out at random them use the transform panel to move and resize it.


Depending on what you are looking for related to distribution, you might want to review the discussion in this thread, as it contains some interesting comments related to how those features work:


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