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HDR Deghosting on iPad

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I just got Affinity Photo for the iPad and the first thing I tried was HDR Merge, as I took quite a lot of raw bracketed shots in the last few weeks.  On the website it mentions deghosting on the iPad page, but I can't find the option in the program and I noticed that it brings the HDR image in as a single layer, not as multiple layers on the iPad, but on the Mac tutorials I've seen on YouTube it has them as multiple layers and the deghosting works.

It's quite a problem, because otherwise the only way I have to HDR merge is to use Photoshop on my PC.

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Hi Enlightened Bacon and Welcome to the Forums,

The deghost option is missing from the iPad version but from reading the fault logging system here, it should be coming in later version of the app.  Not much help now, i know, but it is coming.  I've just checked our site and the iPad section and can't see any mention of deghosting on that page, would you be able to screenshot it or send me a link to the page in question?  Found I've found the references to this and will be to get this checked out that it's performing some kind of automatic ghost removal...

Update on the deghosting issue, it's a mistake on our website and we will updating this to remove that statement about ghost removal, as it's incorrect for the iPad version.  


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