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To bend if or not to blend if...

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One of the most effective tools in layers and masking, in photoshop is the blend-if section, hidden in the layers. I love the Blend ranges section, located prominently in the top gear icon above the layers! Wonderful. It really reduces the amount of work it would've taken if we had to mask instead of blending. Believe it or not, the Blend if tool you have in Affinity was my deal breaker for sure. Thanks!


My only concern was how to use the liquify tool. I'm using it but cannot see it as I'm using it, before I hit Apply. I'm sure there's a tutorial for that. I will dig in the forum. 

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Hi ngonzale3,


Could you check if you're incorrectly working on the locked background layer or other locked layer? If you create a duplicate layer with CMD+J then use liquify on that layer it should work. Hope so!


Andy Capstick

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