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Rulers and canvas rotation

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As of Novembre 2018, the 'Affinities' can show rulers (fine) and rotate the canvas (also fine). Unfortunately, both together do not work properly, which I consider a bug...

  1. For rotations that are not 0°, 90°, 180° or 270°, the whole concept of 'rulers' is more or less useless:
    The above page is A4 portrait (width=210mm), the rectangle begins at (0,something) and ends at (122,somethingelse). Absolutely everything that the rulers tell me is wrong (and silly), and, even worse, the numbers that the horizontal ruler shows depend on the current vertical position of the viewport and vice versa. This is mathematically logical, of course, but completely useless. I strongly suggest to either hide the rulers when canvas rotation is not a multiple of 90°, or instead of numbers, display some text there like 'invalid' or something.
  2. When rotation is 90°, all the numbers of one ruler are completely identical, and this number only depends on the viewport position in the other direction:
    In this case (and other multiples of 90°), a decent ruler display would at least be possible, though: Just show the correct x and y coordinates in the correct ruler. Here, the page being A4, the horizontal ruler should have 0 at the right and 297 at the left, and the vertical ruler should have 0 at the top and 210 at the bottom.

It would be nice if all Affinity programs would show useful ruler information for canvas rotations of multiples of 90°, and no information for other angles.

Andreas Weidner

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