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maybe there is a way to change the thumb size more than the Pages>Options> «Small Icons» | «Medium Icons» | «Large Icons»?

Usually in a document with lot of pages, some pages are quite similar. So the easiest way I found to add a new (quite simiar) page is to duplicate a existing one. Then move them to the right place maybe 9 Pages below.
It is quite hard or near to impossible to recognize which page it really is where I have to «drag & drop the dublicated one». In Templates with page-numbers I can remember the targeted page/place and search them in the Pages-Icon/Thumbs subline-Info. But with the duplication the pages are move downwards and the page-number are changing. It is managable but not realy easy nor user friendly.

Maybe I miss the setting to change the «zoom»-Setting of the 3 selectable settings (small | medium | large).
If youm know a solution to up-size the thumbs - would great if you could share!

If there is no setting for, would be great, if the size/zoom of thumbs in «Pages» could be changable more. So the Icon could be easy to recognize/match with the 1:1-Size Page.
Would make daly work much more easy.




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