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Jpeg/Raw file management on Ipad only

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Hi all :). 

I am using an Ipad Pro with 512Gb as my "stand alone" private device, meaning that I store all photos there and have no other workstation or anything like that. My question:

As far I understand I have to import RAW files from SD Card to the ipad camera roll first before I can edit it in affinity. How can I then just save a processed jpeg copy in the ipad camera roll and the raw itself "somewhere else" (like an icloud folder etc.)? Meaning I do not want to have two versions of each photo (raw + jpeg) in the camera roll but just the exported jpeg (which then sould be synced to my iphone and Apple TV etc.). 

Thanks for any feedback on this.



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Hi Ron,

Strictly speaking you can import your raw files from any location. For example you could plug your sd card into a wd Wireless Pro HDD and then use that as a 'personal' cloud. Connect your iPad to the wireless pro's network and open the raw file in Photo for editing.

Assuming you use the sd card to iPad card reader route, your raw images (and in most cases) a jpg image will be copied to the camera roll. That jpg will have been compressed to some extent by the camera so working with the raw version may give you more options in Photo.

Once the files are in Camera roll you can open camera roll, select multiple files and copy/move to another location eg. Cloud.using the Share option (little rectangle with upward arrow). Note these files are still 'unprocessed' (by APhoto). 

You can open/import files into Photo by accessing the raw or jpg from camera roll. Edit the image in Photo then Export the edited image in whatever format you desire (png, jpg,PDF etc). In the Export screen,  if you choose Save, the file will be saved to either iCloud or Photo folder on your iPad. Which one depends on the setting in Photo's Settings page. However, if you choose the Share button from the bottom left of the Export page, you can save the edited picture anywhere you like. You can also save a copy of the raw or jpg file from within photo but it will be saved as an .afphoto file and can be opened only in Photo or Designer.

Hope that clarifies it a little.

M1 IPad Air 10.9/256GB   lpadOS 17.1.1 Apple Pencil (2nd gen).
Affinity Photo 1.10.5 Affinity Design 1.10.5 
Affinity Publisher 2, Affinity Designer 2, Affinity Photo 2 and betas.

Official Online iPad Help documents (multi-lingual) here: https://affinity.https://affinity.help/ 


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