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Entering Macro Parameters as fractions

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I have used equations to resize my images as described in this thread. I use the Parameter a to adjust the final image size to the desired maximum. However the parameters are constrained to lie between zero and one (inclusive). In this macro, zero gives a size of zero and one gives a size of 4000px. The parameter a is a multiplier for 4000 so that 0.2 gives a target of 800px.

I have found that it is much more convenient to enter a fraction in the parameter box so, instead of entering 0.2, I can enter 800/4000. All the user has to do is to remember the denominator should be 4000. The ability to enter fractions is documented for other parts of the user interface, but I thought it worth mentioning that it works here as well.


Windows 11, Affinity Photo 2.4.2 Designer 2.4.2 and Publisher 2.4.2 (mainly Photo).

CPU: Intel Core i5 8500 @ 3.00GHz. RAM: 32.0GB  DDR4 @ 1063MHz, Graphics: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050

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