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Pageplus X9 first time installation fail

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Hi, I have been asked to work on a newsletter using Pageplus,  so I went to affinity store on line, paid £20 and bought PagePlus X9 for Windows.  When I run the downloaded installer, at very end I get an error Invalid Drive:/W:

Now, the installed is saved on my C drive, and I am trying to install it in the standard programs location on my C Drive.  W is a mapped drive letter I use for a mapped Network Drive,  it isn't invalid, it works fine, I use it every day, access it just like any other drive, so it isn't invalid, but also it isn't relevent since I am not trying to install to it, or save/load/read or write to it in anyway...  

I think the issue might as follows:  in my PC's main configuration, My Documents is on this drive, so ALL my applications default to opening from and saving to the network drive, it is a default setting I have used for many years, it means I never lose anything if the C drive crashes (the Network drive is a RAID).  No other applications have any issue with this, for example all of Microsoft Office installs and runs perfectly happy this way.

What is going on?  what is the solution...?



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This can happen if there is an issue with the registry key for mapped drives, to resolve this please do the following

1. Right Click the Start button and select run

2. In the Command Prompt type the following:

subst W: C:\ 

Hit Enter

3. Close the window

4. Install PagePlus X9

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