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Question: Affinity Designer Workbook - is it tailored for iPad/desktop/both versions?

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Hi all,

First of all, thank you to the developers for this awesome piece of a software. I purchased the iPad app and having a blast learning all the different tools by following tutorials.

I read about the Affinity Designer Workbook, but I couldn't find anywhere if the instructions in the book are for the desktop version or for the iPad version.

My question basically is: are the tutorials in the workbook tailored to the desktop/iPad/or both versions of the app? For example, are there various touch functionality described in the workbook for different tools etc?

Thank you in advance all.

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4 minutes ago, MEB said:

Hi unfollowme,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
The Workbook(s) (Affinity Photo included) cover the desktop versions only. Since the interfaces are considerably different, they are not really suited to learn the iPad version.


Thanks for reply.

Is the iPad version of the book planned?

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