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I was wondering how does one access the "panther_sketch.jpg"  via the instructions in the Affinity Designer WorkBook - it states to pg"125 - 1: From the File Menu, select Place. Then select your scanned sketch  (or panther_sketch.jpg and click Open.

Where do I find the "pantehr_sketch.jpg = thanks ahead of time.  D

  • Staff

Hi Delle Fairclough,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
The files for the whole chapter can be downloaded following the link (in green) on the top of the page 126 (Resources section). Write the green url on your browser to download the files. The panther_sketch.jpg file is inside the unzipped folder you downloaded.

Same for all the other chapters. Use the link provided on the first page of each chapter to download the zip with all files for that chapter. You can find the links for each chapter's resources on pages 69, 126, 150, 184, 234, 262, 306, 338, 362, 414.

  • 1 year later...


I've tried to do your instructions about the way where to get de panther's sketch, but I could't. I have written in the browser's box properly: "panther_sketch.jpg" and I've Got only the screen capture I've attach. Thanks. 

Captura de Pantalla 2020-05-05 a les 14.54.42.png

  • Staff

Hi MarcelS,
Welcome to affinity Forums :)
Go to the top of the page 126 (I'm assuming you have the English version of the Workbook), and enter the green download link exactly as you see there in your browser. It should download a file panther.zip to your downloads folder. Unzip that file - you should find all files needed for that chapter in the uncompressed folder (including the panther_sketch.jpg file).

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