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Cool tool ideas

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among the many applications  which call themself  photoshop competitor your software is the first which really has the potential
to substitute photoshop in the future !
saturation control curve tool 
this was already  available in  linocolor  ( heidlberg scanning and imaging software  )
it allowed to change saturation depending on the saturation level.  it was very practical to eliminta slight colorcasts  in colors close to neutral
by  just desaturating them a little. it was also great for balancing overall saturation.  an option to affect saturation based on luminace level would also be cool
and helpfull.
minimal dot adjustment layer / tool 
for print it is still aesthetically better to have a slight tone/dot even in the brightest highlights, for offset printing it is demanding.   in ps i use an action for this  - 
add layer - fill with color 249/249/249 - set layer to darken  - add noise.  to have an adjustemnt layer where i can sett the darken value limit
and the amount of noise would deffinaltly be a better way.
3. a tool for color/hue uniformity -  to shift the hue range of almost similar colors  to a defined target color/hue
in studio photography with flash you have the problem that all light sources will show  different color temperature depemdimg on age, 
power,and light modifier used.  so when you are shooting lets say for example a  blue box with 3 different light heads. one as a hard 
backlight for a strong shadow, a softbox as a fill light and a spot to accentuate an edge. the resulting image has a veriation of blue hues 
not just one color like oure eyes see it.  this could be easyly solved with such a tool.it alsso could be used to even out skin tones.


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