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Print Grid


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I tried to ask a question, but I couldn't find any way to do it, so I am posting this here.


Usually I don't want a grid to print, but today for the first time I wanted the grid to print with my drawing, and I cannot find any way to do that. (I looked for 'Print Grid' in Help.) If there is a way, please tell me. Otherwise, I think this would be a useful feature, but obviously should not be the default.

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I am trying to put together bead loom designs, similar to what you normally see for needlepoint.  Basically, rows and columns of the same size.  I just finished my first one and learned that the underlying grid doesn't print.  I will be developing loom designs for different size beads, so it would be great to simply use the Grid and Axis Manager instead of having to add another layer.  I agree that the option to print the grid would be extremely useful.


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