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Transform Origin disappears

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Hi, Even when the 'Enable Transform Origin' is enabled, sometimes the Transform Origin visually disappears from view, meaning it's hard to locate and pick it up to manipulate it again.

However, although not visible, the Transform Origin in this state can still seemingly remain selectable to a certain degree - that is if you can locate where it is (by rotating the object and see where the angle assistant is shown) and then attempt to directly pick it up and move it, but even if successful it disappears again after you release hold of it. 
And it's much, much tougher (nigh on impossible) when there are other objects around as they naturally take precedence (even if they're lower in the layer stack) making it even harder to pick up the origin for such objects than normal.

Am I doing something wrong? To get around the problem I often have to delete the object(s) and make new one(s) so that they don't remain elusive when manipulating them later (I do a lot of geometric work).

iPad Air 2 running iOS v15.8.3 and the latest v2.5.5 Affinity Designer version.

I’ve attached the project file (bottom of this post) as it remains the same after saving and restarting in this particular instance.

A further video example below:


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  • Staff

Hi @Timø,

There's a known bug currently logged with the developers where the transform origin point changes position when straight curves are stretched using the move tool, if the curve is then de-selected and selected again the origin point moves and can no longer be re-positioned. Based on the recording and file provided I believe you're running into this bug, so i've bumped it with your report.

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