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Illustration Index on Publisher?

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On my document I want to insert an "image index", a page with an overview of all images I have used on my document with artist and source. 
On LibreOffice this was an easy task. Every image had an option dialog with fields like Name or Description. So I have set the Name of every image like "PSK-Photo @ DeviantArt". Then there was a special index called "illustration index" - like the table of contents but for the images on the document - I could instert into the document.

I don't have found something comparable on Affinity Publisher.
So at the moment I am doing the following:

1. Mark the image on the document.
2. Add an anchor to this image and name it the right way (like on LibreOffice).
3. Then I set the cursor where I want to insert the link to the image and add a new cross-reference.
4. For this cross-reference I have to find the correct anchor and chosse the right template.
5. Then I can insert the cross-reference with anchor name and page number on the document.
Now I have to do the same things for the next image too.

With 200+ images, this is not a funny task.

So are there some ways to make this easier? Maybe it would be possible to mark and insert a whole bunch of anchors, not just one after the other?


Kind regards
from Purzelkater


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Publisher doesn't offer specialized index types and you can insert only one index per document. There is a way to work around this but it's a bit difficult - the steps are in my free Publisher manual, the link to which is below in my signature.

I'm planning to add secondary indexes to my history book if I ever finish it. One will be an index of sculptures and I will want it to look something like this:

Sculpture Name       Sculptor Name       Location       Page

This is possible with Publisher - while you can't type a Tab into the text field when indexing your book, you can paste a tab in. This isn't particularly convenient so you might consider creating the marks with spaces instead of tabs and then editing all the topic names later to replace the spaces with tabs.

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Thank you for your help. I have looked around your (really very helpful book) and got the idea to solve my problem with an additional TOC.

So I have started to add a new text frame as a new level on evey image. To hold it clear I have moved the new text frame under the image (hierarchical). Then I have made a new section style ("image source") and added this style to the new text frames. Then in the text frames I have inserted the image source informations (the same text I have used for the anchos before).
After this, I have made the text frames invisible to prevent them of visible on printing or PDF export.
Finally I have added a new TOC on the end of the book and have choosen "image source" as source of the TOC.

Now I can change, remove and add new images as I like and only have the execute an update of the TOC. No anchors or cross-references are need anymore for this.

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