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Affinity Designer (v1) - Vector Images Pixelated When Placed In Another Designer File

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This was working OK but now a vector image placed inside of another vector image is heavily pixelated. The problem seems unique to this file as it works OKed before and in other tests I've done.

The file is linked, not embedded. I've tried re-saving/ re-naming the original and replacing it. Both via the Replace option in the Resource Manager and actually deleting the graphic and replacing it. I've checked and tried different view modes (it is set on Vector).

It seems that Designer is showing a cached low-res preview version of the placed file and I cannot find a way to refresh it.

Any suggestions to force Designer to actually load the linked file?



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Hi @Tregenza and Welcome to the Forums,

I've tried replicating and i cant, so it does look like to be something related to that file.  Could you attach both files here or i've created you a Private Dropbox link here to upload the file to. If you do upload load it to Dropbox, please do let me know here and i'll pick the files up :) 

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Thanks for getting back to me.

I was pretty sure it is something specific to the files as other placements worked fine and tests placing the images in other files also worked ok.

I worked around the problem by simply deleting and placing everything again. A real pain but not a disaster. 

Obviously there is not anything you can do but I suspect that there is an issue with cached images not being cleared when there is a chain of placements - an afdesign placed in another afdesign which in turn is placed in Publisher - coupled with one or more of the files being moved (I changed a directory name at some point and the problem seemed to manifest when I relinked them). If I ever manage to get a reproducible example I post again but for now I think this issue can be closed.







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