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Hi everyone,
I'm working with matplotlib and Affinity Designer V2 on Mac. My workflow is to export my figures with matplotlib and to import them via drag and drop into a large document. However, I have noticed that the imported PDFs are rendered with a specific DPI. This leads to blurry edges of the matplotlib text and figures in comparison to default affinity text. With inkscape, this works fine and yields not difference to SVG files. However, I can't use SVG files in Designer as it can't handle the ones created by matplotlib correctly (text is collapsed to a single position). Is there some setting to increase the DPI of imported PDFs? Also I'm not ask while importing them via drag and rop.

Thank you very much for your help!
Best, Eiki

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Hi @Eiki,

Welcome to the Affinity Forums & our sincerest apologies for the delayed response here as our team are exceptionally busy due to our current 50% sale & extended trial offer.

When you Place (or drag & drop) a PDF file in Affinity and set this to Passthrough on the Context Toolbar, a raster preview of the PDF file will be shown on the canvas when editing your document.

However, this is only a preview of the PDF file and when exporting the full resolution/vectors will be used, meaning you should hopefully find these 'blurry edges' are not shown in the exported file from Affinity.

If you wish to instead preview the Placed PDF file in Vector mode, please change the mode to Interpret on the Context Toolbar and you will find the PDF is now displayed using the vector layers and not a raster preview - though may require you to have the required fonts installed for the PDF to now preview as expected.

I hope this clears things up :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @Dan C,

thanks a lot for clarifying things :) Actually, the tip with Passthrough and Interpret in the Context Toolbar solved it except for the fonts as you mentioned. Besides, the Context Toolbar allows to adapt the DPI, however this scales with the scaling of height and width and resetting this to original size (with the button), the imported figures are only halve as large (in each dimension) as they are intended to be. As the export rendering does not preserve this blur, this should be fine. 
Thanks a lot again :)

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