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Font sizes in my Index don't match the formatting I selected

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I created two paragraph styles for index entries, so I could create subheadings (level 1) in a few cases. It worked fine the last time I edited my current project (a couple of years ago), but now as I'm revising the book, the font sizes are messed up. Even though both level 1 and level 2 are defined with Garamond Regular 10, the first level is clearly much smaller than 10 points. In this screen shot, I even bumped the first level up to 12 points, and it is still smaller than the sublevel, which shows correctly as Garamond Regular 10. When I select text for level 1 and level 2, the toolbar shows level 1 as Garamond Regular 12 and level 2 as Garamond Regular 10, even those level 2 is clearly a larger font size. What happened? How do I fix this?

Affinity Publisher Index.jpg

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It's hard to tell without seeing it - could you copy paste one paragraph of each into a new document and share it here?

It could be as simple as something like the small text is horizontally and vertically scaled smaller in the text style.

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