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Publisher export to PDF doesn't maintain layer effects

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I'm trying to export a series of pages into cards. They have layer effects, which when exported to PDF, get flattened or ignored. As an example, here's what one card should look like:



Here's what it looks like when exported as a PDF:



The background buildings have color burn and opacity layer effects which are apparently just being ignored. Here are my PDF settings:



As you can see the preview is showing the layer effects just fine, but they're not exporting properly. If I select "everything" under Rasterize, then it's fine, but I don't want to rasterize the text, so that's no good to me.

The full file is attached here, please help!




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@Mal_Rempen Sorry for the delay. Have you tried changing the Compatibility to PDF/X1-a and then exporting?

It's worth noting that even with this setting the exported PDF still looks incorrect using Apple Preview. But if you open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat it shows as expected.


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