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I have a logo that I created for a church and whenever I try to export it as a file that can be opened and manipulated in illustrator, it either will not export the vector shape with the paths (.pdf) or it will have a white background behind the vector (.eps). I will attach the file in this post. What would be the best file to export this as so that it will be for commercial use?



Rosewood COG Logo.afdesign

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Hi dustmitch,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

If you export as PDF the logo will be rasterised on export because it uses a Outer Shadow FX effect. All effects are rasterised when you export to PDF or any other format. You can increase the DPI value in menu File ▸ Document Setup to get a better result when printing rasterised effects. If you remove the effect all elements will be exported as vectors both in PDF and EPS).


Regarding the EPS, it is exported with a white background because the EPS does not offer support for transparency natively.


If you want to open and manipulate the file in Illustrator i suggest you export as PDF because it supports more features than EPS. 

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