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AffinityDesigner2 AFDesign file on iPad suddenly displaying as if it's an empty project!

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I had just renamed a couple of my afdesign files and then went to save them.

I saved the 2nd and then realised the first renamed file was :

  1. showing as blank when opened
  2. showing 'o items' instead of a file size
  3. only giving me the option to rename it or close it - the save options have gone.
  4. it's been duplicated so I have 2 of these useless empty files.
  5. I don't think they have been 'converted' to actual projects as they have a cross at the top left corner and my other projects don't have that option. - Edit - I've just realised an empty project will display with a cross

The file that's gone wrong is called 'Scene bournemouth beach' - images attached

Affinity has crashed a few times lately and I do have rather a lot of files sitting on my iPad and maybe that's the cause..

Does anyone know if my file can be retrieved from somewhere?





Edited by Cecca
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Hi Cecca,

Sorry this has happened, do you remember what happened just before this occurred? It's a known issue, though it seems to be quite rare and we are still trying to find a way to recreate it so we can find a way to fix it, so any information you have could be very useful.

We have a possible way to recover the file but it is unfortunately a little bit of a process and not guaranteed.


You may be able to recover your files using the following steps, though this will require access to a desktop PC:

1. Download iMazing (only the free trial is needed) https://imazing.com/ 
2. Connect your iPad to your computer
3. Make a backup of the iPad through iMazing
4. In the top right click the iPad's name and select the backup you've just made
5. Inside the folder Apps > Affinity Photo 2 > Library > Application Support > com.seriflabs.affinityphoto2.ios >
6. Drag the Autosave folder to your desktop (iMazing trial allows 10 drag operations, so doing the folder will get all files exported at once)
7. Rename the files inside this folder from .autosave to .afphoto and then try opening these files (if you don't own Affinity on the desktop, you will need to transfer these back to the iPad to be opened, using a cloud service etc)

Hopefully you are able to recover some of your files using this method - our sincerest apologies for any inconveniences caused due to this.


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Hi Lee,

thanks for letting me know, it’s good to know you’re working on it. As I said, I think all I’d done was to rename a couple of files.

I did have a lot of files and projects open on my iPad when it happened (20-30 projects with 5-15 files in each) and I was getting crashes too. So, I’ve spent the last couple of days making sure I’ve saved them all off and closed them in the Affinity view. 
I’ve recreated my lost file now, so I don’t need to try the recovery steps but it’s good to know it might be possible.

I’m now getting a lot of crashing on my recreated file. It’s got quite a lot of texture mask layers - is that likely to be the issue?

I’m going to close all my files now and maybe try re-installing the app?

Many thanks, Cecca

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