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When the Scale (inline pinning) is set to "No Scale" it is possible to have positive and negative offsets. When I change to a scale option then a negative offset remains (although it changes to a percentage for a reason I do not understand).

However, it is not possible to set the offset to a negative value with a scale option otherwise. If it is positive or I change it from negative to positive it cannot be set to a negative value (again). This does not make sense as negative values would be needed in many cases.

In addition, I do not understand why the offset influences the line height. If I offset an inline image then the next line moves downwards as the line height seems to increase. In all my cases this was not what I wanted or was helpful (quite the contrary). I think it should not influence the line height. If I need this to be (e.g. that the image and next line do not overlap), I can manually increase the line height (leading override) to prevent issues. But I cannot prevent the next line from shifting, as setting the leading override to a fixed value does not help.

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For inline pinning there are various options that even may conflict with each other or be influenced by other settings. For instance you may manually adjust a pinned image size (e.g. by dragging its handles) without altering the scale setting in the Pinning Panel. In the screenshot below all are set to 'No scale' but don't have identical size. Or the various possible spots for vertical adjustments: base position + borders for pinned objects and leading + leading override + baseline shift for the surrounding text.

Also values can be relative or absolute and also be related to options in other panels (e.g. leading). To me it makes sense to use relative values for instance if a the font or size gets changed – while Affinity tries to avoid overlapping of pinned objects with the surrounding text (it feels like the 'Text Wrap' option but appears to work not identically). Honestly I can't tell the principle in all details and often I need several trails to achieve what want. Possibly it is not coded with an obvious or consequent logic, similar to the detail for Floating objects that get their anchor auto-created at an unexpected text position, often in a line above the expected one.

So for questions it would help to see screenshots with current settings or a file for inspection + your description of the wanted result.


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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