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Why has a page disappeared from my exported PDF?

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I've just found out from a customer that an entire page has disappeared from their book. I checked the PDF I made for print to see if there was an error in production, but no it's just straight up missing! This page is in the middle of a section, I used the PDF (press-ready) preset, and did not touch the Area or Pages settings at all. I can't reproduce this on my side, but I'm just trying to figure out what could have possibly happened.

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Hi @Devon James and welcome to the forums. I don't think there has ever been a report of this, if you export all pages or all spreads there's no way for a single page to be missing unless you created a new section just for it and chose to exclude that section from exporting. It doesn't sound like you've done this.

Perhaps you accidentally deleted the page from the PDF when checking it before sending it to the client? An accidental press of the Delete key could delete the p age without any confirmation alert depending on the PDF viewer you were using.

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