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Adjusting vector brushes that deform too much on a curve with corners

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A while back there was a discussion about vector brushes becoming deformed when a curve curved too sharply.  Someone pointed out that the brush has to be deformed, at least somewhat, to get around the corner.  I believe this thread by @AnnieW started the discussion off.

I hadn’t thought about it, but it does seem completely correct that vector brushes have to behave that way.

I have since found a way to control or limit that deformation, which obviously becomes worse the sharper the bend is.  The trick is to add two nodes to the vector curve, one on either side of the deformation that’s problematic.  The closer the new nodes are to the point of deformation, the shorter the deformed section will become.

I’ve attached a small document you can use to try it out, as well as a video of this technique in action.  The document was saved with history (which is very short) so you can step through the way I added nodes and moved them.


Vector Brush Deformation.afdesign

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