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Publisher v1.10 - (Win10) - Exported PDF doesn't display all images

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I have a document that I created and exported in Publisher v1.10 on windows 10 that in my pdf viewer (Drawboard PDF) looks fine but when my professor downloaded it and opened it was missing the 2 png images on the right (first screenshot). I tried to download it and from Google chrome have the same issue where i can't see the images, however once i open it on my desktop in my pdf viewer, it is once again fine (second screenshot).

I have attached a third screenshot of the settings i used and can also send the file if that helps.

Any ideas?


google chrome pdf view.PNG

pdf viewer on desktop.PNG

publisher settings i had for exporting.PNG

Edited by van12
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  • Staff

@van12 Welcome to the forums.

We could do with a copy of your .afpub file with all images included to take a look and go through exporting to PDF to see if the same issue occurs.

If all the images are embedded in your Publisher file can you DM me a download link. Or you can use File > Save As Package, then zip the folder up and DM me a link to download.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Opening with Chrome, did show the issue you reported. Looking into the file the images that wasn't being displayed had a blend mode applied to the layer. If you selected the image layer and set the blend mode to Normal. Then export out to PDF, Chrome then display the images.

I believe the issue is with how Chrome is reading the PDF file, it doesn't seem to like blend modes.

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