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Thin lines, when using pattern layers

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i am using Pattern layers a lot.
But every now and then, I happen to see fine lines in the result.
When I zoom in, the lines are getting bigger. Exported images show the same fine lines.
So it is not just a display glitch.
When using other tools (blender, CSS, etc) they do not show such lines.

Using an upscaled version of the images solves that problem.
Nontheless I'd love to understand.

I wonder, how to handle this problem.

Attached you find a view from Affinity photo and the original file shown.


2023-07-19 11_04_00-Start.png


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I see you are using mm as units.
Best to use px as units and make sure the decimals are set to at least 3 in the settings>user interface.
Now also make sure you place the image is at pixel perfect position and make it pixel perfect size.
iow no decimals in the transformpanel.
If you now create a patternlayer from selection it should have no white lines.
See my file that includes the history.




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  • Staff

Hi @Chricken welcome to the forums,

This is likely the result of the pattern layer being created from an image which is placed on a non-precise pixel location. This can be easily corrected by changing your document unit of measurement to 'Pixels' with the view tool selected and then select the image, in the transform panel you should see that the image's X/Y (and possibly W/H) having non-integer values, simply remove the values after the decimal to convert the values to be whole pixels again.

If you don't see the decimal values you may need to enable Decimal places for pixels under Preferences > User Interface.

Pattern layer created from non-pixel precise image layer:


Pattern layer created from pixel precise image layer:



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