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Hi, hoping someone can help. I need to create png or jpg image files for etsy, using affinity designer 2 for the iPad. They need to be 2000px X 1334px at 72 dpi, and png or jpg, for best results (according to etsy). When in affinity designer 2 the image appears crisp (ipad screenshot attachment 1). The exported jpg (using the settings in attachment 2) is also crisp (attachment 3). The resulting etsy preview when I upload it is always blurry (attachment 4). My photo file sizes are a little large also (etsy says under 1 mb is best) but that would make them even more blurry. The files have one fx applied and that is cover overlay. On etsy there is an adjust thumbnail setting for the first image uploaded, and that view is crisp for any photos I preview that way, but the regular preview for those same images are blurry.

No matter what combination of settings (have tried so many I'm confused now, lol) I try or what file types, png or jpg, the resulting preview on etsy is always blurry. I thought my solution would be in the following post, but my issue seems to be on the etsy side of things, so just makes me more confused. If I need to ask this on an etsy forum, I'll do that, just want to make sure what I'm uploading there is correctly formatted first.


Any help would really be appreciated. I'm disabled and get very sick most days so if I take a couple days to respond back please be patient.

Thank you!








1 ipad ss.jpeg

2 ad2 exp jpg settings.jpeg

3 ad2 2000x1334 jpg.jpeg

4 etsy preview when uploaded.jpeg

5 etsy adjust thumbnail view.jpeg

Edited by Rarast
Put smaller size photos

Hi, thank you, ok I tried downloading Etsy's image and viewing in my OS and unfortunately they are still blurry (all the photos appear like the 4th photo I've attached). Do you think it is possible that since the photo is not posted yet to the actual Etsy ad, it is just uploaded, that the image that I see is just a preview that may change once it is posted to the ad?

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