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Good Morning,


I'm having a heck of a time with Expand Stroke. I've been all over the forum and I still don't understand.


Attached is a Geometric Eye. I want to make all the segments an individual shape so I can color each one differently. 


I honestly made it work once last week. I got everything to connect to make every segment it's own shape.


And then I lost it.


I've been all over the forums again, looking at every topic on expand stroke and I cannot, for the life of me, recreate what I did.


Is there a tutorial out there or a Mov?


Thanks for all your help.





32 division Circle1.afdesign

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If I understand you correctly.  And each segment is the individual line segments between crossovers. I think you want to select all your objects, and use the divide boolean.  

I believe the expand stroke only separates the stroke from the fill as two separate objects.  

There is a tutorial for expand stroke, but I will have to find it.

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