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pick color with brush tool active [solved]

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With brush tool active you can temporarily activate the color picker tool and pick a color from the open image already, but there is no indication that the picker tool is actually active when pressing down the ALT key. The brush tool/ display of brush radius remains. This makes it really difficult to pick from a specific area, since you can't see the exact spot you are actually picking from especially when the brush radius is large.

Long story short, when the brush tool is active and you press the ALT key to pick a color, the brush icon should temporarily change to a color picker icon with cross hair, so you can actually see the exact pixel you are picking the color from.

EDIT: I'm talking nonsense here. When you don't just left-click, but hold down pen/ mouse button, there is a detailed display of the area I'm picking from. Missed that, sorry. Case closed.

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  • 1 year later...

I was having the same issue like you mentioned and then I found your topic. The detailed display of the color picking area when holding down the pen while pressing ALT is helpful sometimes, however it would still be really nice if the cursor would change into a small crosshair icon or something similar when just holding down ALT. I would be really grateful if the developers would add this.

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