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Page measurements for printing purposes

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How do I prepare a document if I need a line of text to be positioned at the top of the page without running the danger of having it cut off. The final page will be DIN A 4 which is 297by210 mm. (The printer needs the docs to be 303by216 mm, he will cut the pages).

The yellow line marks the safety area which as far as I understand should not be occupied. But there must be a way to position the text at the very top. Any suggestions? Is there a way to fiddle with the textbox and monitor in real time what is going on?



Bildschirm­foto 2022-11-25 um 22.59.16.png

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Set margins or Ruler Guides at the safety area, then enable the appropriate Snapping settings, and snap the text to the top margin/guide.

Here’s the Affinity help page for snapping if you need some help with that: 


Windows 10 22H2, 32GB RAM | Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 (MSI/EXE)

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