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Oh No!!!! another post about Bleed

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My question is not 'how do I set up bleed' but one of why doesn't it show?


I've read all the other posts and have exported a PDF with bleed but then when I preview in Acrobat nothing bleeds over the trim marks (see attached pdf).


You see I'm a print designer and for me to cast off the shackles of the accursed Adobe I'd need the ability to set up documents or export them with as much bleed as I need - 3mm for printed but up to 25mm for large point of sale and exhibitions stands.


It would be fantastic if it was an option in the setup panel but I can live with it in export. 


Also how do I become a Beta tester?




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Hi eyedoesit,


Welcome to the forums.


A preview bleed on canvas is in the works and will be in a future update. To use the betas just go into the beta sections of this forum and as long as you have the App Store version installed you can use the beta. We release betas quite frequently, however the current beta is the same build as the one on the App Store, so no need to download it.


Hope this helps


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