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Fontawesome 6 issue? (or is it just me?)

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I am on Windows 10, installed FA 6, using Affinity

Nothing I do seems to get me an icon. I c&p the unicode into a text box, highlight it, change the font to FA6, and...box with an X through it. I've tried every variation of that process, used the glyph instead of the unicode...nada. Either box with X or just the unicode text shows up.

This is just a font and I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be simple but for the life of me I cannot figure it out. It's installed normally and is showing in the fonts list in Affinity. I've made sure "Standard Ligatures" is turned on under "Character." (I tried turning it off too, JIC.)  I'm using a free icon and making sure I am choosing "Font Awesome 6 Free" as the font.

I'm feeling super frustrated and also super dumb. What the heck am I doing wrong??!?!?

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Unfortunately it appears "it is you" 😁.


(text on the left is Arial)

The ligatures are Standard Ligatures which are On by default, so they should just happen as you type. No need to do anything except select the font.

Entering the Unicode codes is a bit tricky as the font has no plus sign glyph - it and many other characters are replaced with a zero-width space glyph - so it appears to disappear as you type the plus sign (but it is there). Use another font (e.g. Arial), toggle the Unicode display on, enter the code, then toggle Unicode display Off, apply the Font Awesome font.

And as Jens mentions above, the Glyph Browser works.

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