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Affinty Photo: Let structure of layer below shine through

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Dear community, I struggle with the layer function in Affinity Photo.

I have designed a logo (Danish island of Bornholm) which I would like to put on top of a t shirt stock photo. To make it more realistic, the structure/shadows of the shirt should shine through to create the impression that the logo is actually printed onto the shirt. There are some layer options creating this effect (e.g. soft light), but then the logo colours become very light and look faint - I would like to keep the intense, red colour.

Anybody has an idea on how to achieve this? Thanks a lot!

Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-06 um 10.49.06.png

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Hi and welcome to the forums Utzenhammer,

To get your logo to look as if it's blended onto the t-shirt below you need to borrow the highlights and shadows from the image below it, but it's important to realise that perception of colour and the colour of each pixel are often quite different. For example, the crease on the right side of your logo you would expect to see the logo a little paler where the light is catching the highlight of the t-shirt Yet your eyes would not perceive the logo as having changed colour.

For a simple and mostly passable method of blending you could use the multiply blend mode for your logo layer, if you wish to go a little further then I would recommend taking a look at this tutorial by IAMREMSI on YouTube, particularly from 5:50 onward.






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