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Hello Affinity Forum,

Forgive me if I've missed the obvious whilst searching for an answer but as a new user of Publisher (I've had far more use out of Photo and Designer) here goes ...

I work on a Macbook Pro and a Macbook Air, both running macOS Monterey 12.0.1    I read that Monterey can cause problems with Affinity apps but initially Publisher worked fine using Monterey and both Photo and Designer appear to still be working as expected.

I'm working on a 525 page book within Publisher and I had linked 264 images when Publisher started to hang and I needed to force quit. I re-opened Publisher and changed the images from linked to embedded and initially this seemed to solve the problem. By the time I had embedded a further 88 images (so a total of 352 images) I was encountering the same problem as before but this time Publisher was totally unresponsive and I couldn't access any of the menus even when opening the app with no files available. Publisher just hung and treated me to the spinning beach ball until I forced quit.

I've tried to work with the file on my other machine but encountered the same problem. On my second machine I managed to switch back to linked files for the images but this did not solve the problem. At no point has Publisher crashed, it just hangs. I removed Publisher from my machine and then re-installed a fresh download, albeit the deleted app was the same version as the up to date download.

On both machines I did numerous shut downs and restarts.

I didn't receive any warnings about 'resource overload' but to a lay person (ie, me) this seems to be a reasonable guess ? Following this line of thought, maybe foolishly I chose to link (and then embed and then link again) Affinity Designer images. That said, each image is less than 35KB so we're not talking masterpiece sized files here. Could it be the number of files rather than their file size ?

I think I've accepted it's time to start over with this project so if that's the best way forward, what format should I use for images and am I best to link or embed them ?

Having said that, ideally I'd like to be able to get Publisher smoothly working on the existing file just as it did before the app started a sit down strike.

Any advice gratefully received.

Thanks in advance.

  • Staff

You may have seen reference to thi on the forums but can you check the apps Preferences under Performance to see if Metal Compute is enabled. If so please disable and restart the app and test the performance with that file again.


Hello Lee,

Thanks for the suggestion, I hadn't seen that on the forums.

I "switched off" Metal Compute and restarted the app. Initially it looked as though the image files weren't loading but after a delay the images were visible but they looked fuzzy and indistinct. Also, I noticed the Master Page settings, such as page number, were not visible on the relevant pages. As I attempted to add an image the beachball returned and Publisher was showing as "Not responding" in the force quit dialogue box.

I tried making a new document in Publisher which I was able to Save as a blank document although the beachball appeared for a few seconds as I clicked on the File drop down menu. Once I attempted to add images to the new file Publisher became completely unresponsive and I had to force quit.

To be frank, I'd begun to think the problem was one of capacity with my machine but the problem is present on two different machines and initially Publisher was running smoothly until I'd added a large number of image files.

As before Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer continue (touch wood) to function as usual.

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