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Odd results with Geometry Add (or bug)

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I'm trying to combine two objects using "geometry add".  I have them lined up using the arrange feature as well.  Here is the original set up.

However this is the result:


I recreated the same objects in a new document, same layer order, same basic shapes and get the correct expected result.


Am I missing something about how the feature works?  I've had similar issus with subtraction sometimes leaving lines behind on overlapping objects.



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Thanks MEB.  I am using the latest version of the mac app store.  Unfortunately I didn't keep the original files and I couldn't recreate the issue with the same shapes so I did the next best.  I'll keep trying though.


In this file, I've subtracted the shapes but only one of them gives me what I think is the expected behaviour.  I included the history of the document as well.

Unexpected Subtraction results.afdesign

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  • Staff

Hi please,

Thanks for the file. The Beta has improved the boolean operations code considerably, but in this particular case it still fails where object's boundaries overlap. I'm filling a bug report for this.

You can avoid this situation if you make the overlapping object (the one you want to subtract) a bit wider than the object on the bottom.

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