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如箭头所示,在字体册有安装字体,并且其它软件可以正常使用该字体情况下,在affinity中无法搜索到该字体。用字体软件替换字体则会替换失败出现缺字符号。As indicated by the arrow, if the font is installed in the font book and other software can use the font normally, the font cannot be searched in affinity. If you replace the font with font software, the replacement will fail and the missing character will appear.这个影响很大,希望快快修复。This has a great impact, and I hope it will be repaired soon.


截屏2021-08-11 下午7.28.47.png


Hi @扣扣盆,

Sorry to hear you're having trouble and my apologies for the delayed response here, we are extremely busy following our 1.10 update and working from home during the pandemic is unfortunately extending our response window to be longer than normal, many thanks for your continued patience and understanding here.

I can confirm this is a known issue within 1.10 that our developers are working hard to fix. As I understand it, setting your application UI language to English (Affinity Designer > Preferences > General) should allow your font to be used correctly.

Can you please confirm if this resolves the issue with your fonts?

We hope to have a beta available shortly to resolve this issue whilst using Chinese language settings. I hope this helps! :)



很抱歉听到您遇到问题,我对延迟回复深表歉意,我们在 1.10 更新后非常忙,而且在大流行期间在家工作很遗憾将我们的响应窗口延长到比平时更长的时间,非常感谢您的持续耐心 和理解在这里。
我可以确认这是 1.10 中的一个已知问题,我们的开发人员正在努力修复。 据我了解,将您的应用程序 UI 语言设置为英语(Affinity Designer > 首选项 > 常规)应该可以正确使用您的字体。


我们希望在使用中文设置的情况下尽快提供测试版以解决此问题。 我希望这有帮助! :)



设备是M1 MacBook air,系统版本11.5.1,affinity photo版本1.10.0

I have the same problem. I can't select the fonts in the Font Book. You can see the difference in the number of fonts from the picture.

I use the M1 MacBook air, macOS @11.5.1, affinity photo @1.10.0



Our developers are aware of issues with both Chinese and Japanese fonts within Affinity, we're currently working to produce a small update that addresses these issues and we hope to release this to retail shortly, many thanks for your continued patience and understating here!

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