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Copy clipping path in Affinity Designer to paste in After Effects doesn't work; solutions?

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This is a simple technique I use regularly to copy a path in Illustrator, then in After Effects I create a shape layer that I then paste onto so I can animate it (aka like a logo)...but while I can copy the path in Affinity Designer, After Effects doesn't paste it. Does anyone know why? And whether there is a solution or setting I can change that will enable this? This is kind of a vital feature I need in order to decouple from Illustrator. Thanks.

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Update: after following the directions from https://www.schoolofmotion.com/blog/save-affinity-designer-vector-files-after-effects I was able to do what I need to do by exporting the file out of Affinity Designer as an EPS, then converting it into a shape layer in After Effects (more detailed explanation in the link above). While it's a few extra steps than simply copying and pasting directly, it is adequate for my needs, which is great because I'd love to drop my Adobe subscription to just After Effects (no getting away from that for my work even though I use Apple Motion for a lot of that) while doing the rest of my work in the Affinity suite and Capture One for my Lightroom replacement. 

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Many thanks for posting a solution for others to see @briantium :)

I haven't personally tested the following in After Effects, but it may work as a quicker workaround. If you open Affinity Designer > Preferences > General and then tick Copy items as SVG.

Are you now able to copy and paste between Affinity and After Effects? If not, then the workaround described above may be the best option currently!

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Thanks for the suggestion; unfortunately Copying Items as SVG was already turned on and it still wasn't pasting into After Effects. Oddly, I am able to paste such items into Illustrator! And I was always able to paste copied items from Illustrator into After Effects, as I said before. So evidently it's an After Effects thing that I haven't been able to figure out. But the above solution I figured out is more than sufficient for my needs, so it's all good!

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