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Hi. New user recently migrated over from an aging copy of CS6. I've run across at least one topic regarding file type thumbnails, but I wanted to get a recommendation specifically for what I'm looking for. I understand that there's no direct functionality for providing preview thumbnails in Explorer. I'd still like to have thumbnails, but basically want the fewest other features. If possible, no context menu additions, no other functionality, just preview thumbnails. Which app/package is the least skeezy way of doing that?

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The freeware (!) XnView might be worth a try. It's also a not-so-bad DAM, can show at least the embedded previews of .aphoto files and also adds thumbnails to Explorer's view.


»A designer's job is to improve the general quality of life. In fact, it's the only reason for our existence.«
Paul Rand (1914-1996)

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Dang, sorry for posting the German link. I used a different browser than my standard one in order to find that URL, so the one I used was set to my system language (German). 

But the software should be multi-lingual.

»A designer's job is to improve the general quality of life. In fact, it's the only reason for our existence.«
Paul Rand (1914-1996)

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2 minutes ago, Bedwyr said:

No problem. I just wanted to see if I remembered something from the language without looking it up.

Oh. Ok. 😄 In that case: yes, that German part was correct.

»A designer's job is to improve the general quality of life. In fact, it's the only reason for our existence.«
Paul Rand (1914-1996)

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Hi again. I tried XnView and, while it does do things nicely, I'd prefer not to supplant Windows Explorer. I tried SageThumbs and that appears to have done exactly what I wanted without arbitrarily filling my context menu with entries. Because it's related to XnView, it put me on the right track. Thank you for the help.


edit: oh dear. Sagethumb gave up on particularly large files and simply displayed a blank file. I think previews simply might be more trouble than they're worth. At a later time I might revisit this and look for a file manager like XnView that does things akin to Bridge, I suppose. Thanks for your help in any case.

Edited by Bedwyr
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