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few months ago I asked about the same, but issue repeat with stronger power. During photo manipulation work (even I do not use many layers, but only 2-3) I can see in view green boxes. If I try to zoom in or out - green boxes change posistions, sometimes disaprear for a while, or even cover whole picture. It is very tiring, becasue I cannot see preview "on live" suring work and I have to manipulate zooming to for example change position of the box. 

Few months ago I have this issue only during exporting, now it is everywhere and everytime. I have last update - nothing change. Last time someone told me that I should copy all layers and paste to new work, but now it is imposible, becasue issue apear after few changes during work. 

Do you have any idea what is wrong? It might be a computer fault or settings in Affinity?

I add also a picture of strange green box.

Thank you in advance for all ideas!


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Hi @Jakprzezokno,

Our sincerest apologies for the delayed response here.

Sorry to see you're having trouble!

Our latest update implemented OpenCL Hardware Acceleration to Windows, which utilises your Graphics Card to help render the Affinity document.
A few users are experiencing issues with this enabled, the number one cause of which is outdated Graphics Card drivers. Please visit the manufactures link below to download the latest driver available -

- Intel: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/detect.html 
- Nvidia: https://www.geforce.com/drivers
- AMD: https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/gpu-driver-autodetect

Note: you may need to go direct to your PC manufactures website for the driver, if you see a warning regarding 'OEM drivers' when trying to install one from the above sites.

Once downloaded and installed, please restart your computer and then launch the Affinity app again.

Does this stop the green rendering issue for you? :)

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