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Paperbackcover -> E-Book Cover

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Hello dear community,

I am currently facing the task of converting my book cover, which I put on as a paperback cover with front, spine and back, into an eBook cover. Copy and paste with subsequent scaling does not work well. It then still has to be moved and the distances and relationships between the individual objects are then unequal between the eBook and paperback.

I wonder if there is a better variant. How do you do that? Do you put on the paperback cover first and then the e-book cover or vice versa?

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I'm not sure I understand your problem.

When I did ebook covers, I use the same cover as for the book, without spine or back.

And I exported it for web sites, following the editor' specifications (usually a maximum width or height in pixels*, color mode, etc.).


*This way, the cover is  proportional to the original, no need to move things.

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