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Why is final rendering of stacks or focus merge at 96ppi when using Radiance or EXR format source images

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A while back I asked if the 96 PPI resolution for panoramas, stacks, focus merge, and HDR merging would be fixed so that the final rendering would reflect the original 300 PPI of the source images.
I noticed that it has been fixed when rendering panoramas using the TIFF format for the source images.
However, I just tried to render a panorama with the source images being in the Radiance (HDR) format and the finished resolution of the pano was 96 PPI even though the source images were 300 PPI.

Is this just an oversight by the development department or is it a bug?
Just wonder, because even though I don't use Radiance or EXR formats often it is annoying to have to manually reset the final resolution to 300 PPI before doing my final editing.

I mostly use Radiance and EXR for stacks and focus merging. I did a test and found that when using Stack or Focus merge I get the same 96 PPI resolution on the final rendering.

Although this is not a priority fix I was wondering if this would be remedied in the next release so that when I use EXR or Radiance formats the final rendering will be the same as the source images.

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