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Brush stopped working and layers going missing

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On one project my paint brush just stopped working all together. It’ll show in layers with no preview and no matter where I place the layer or if I solo view it, you cannot see the brush stroke. I’ve tried resetting my brushes and all the other fixes people have suggested but nothing. I’ve also tried copying it into a duplicate project but it continued to happen. Also, whenever I close and reopen the app, another layer just disappears. Please help! I’ve spent so long on this project I don’t want to have to restart. 

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  • 3 months later...

Hi @Perpetuallysunny,

Welcome to the Affinity Forums :)

Our sincerest apologies for the delayed response here, our team are working through a backlog of tickets so we appreciate your patience and understanding here.

Can you please confirm for me, is this still an issue you are experiencing? I can verify that I've certainly not seen any other reports of the same kind here on the forums previously, so I suspect it may be document related.

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