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Issue with adding Unsplash stock images

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I have an issue where when I want to add a photo from Unsplash using the stock photo tab - I get stuck on “downloading” and I have to close and re-open the app. I can search Unsplash fine and see the images to choose from but cannot add them to a canvas. I can add from Pexels and Pixabay fine and without issue. 

I have tried closing other projects, re-starting my iPad but still encountering the same issue. Has anyone had this issue? It started a couple of days ago and hasn’t stopped. I haven’t installed anything new or anything to interfere. Please help! 

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I can reproduce the same behaviour.

I can also observe my router from where I work: it flashes for a second and then nothing, as though the download request is not passed, or (I suspect more likely) denied.

I suggest you download unsplash via their website.

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When I saw this had been added to the apps, I thought: "that'll be prone to issues, only needs the 3rd party to change something" so I don't bother using it. I go direct to the sites.

I also find it odd that you drag from a tiny square preview... how can you judge it's a picture you actually want?

If I was one of these third parties, I'd see this as likely to lead to a spike in downloads. I'm wondering if Affinity has been detected and blocked as a spammy download bot by unsplash.

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