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Isn't the MuseScore PDF all vectors and text? Thus Publisher dpi mixxup should not affect the resulting print. You can check it by zooming in if there are any pixels/lowres graphics visible.

That said, of course dpi value should stay 300 if it is set in original art. Maybe someone with MS can check how it works.

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when I zoom in, I can see the lower quality of the graphics

when exported again from Affinity to pdf however, the quality is fine

so 2 thing:

1) in InDesign I could choose the quality of the file: higher quality, slower workflow

is that also possible in Publisher

2) is the 72 dpi as shown in Resources the real dpi or what it shows in the file-preview (am I making myself clear...??)

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Still trying to figure out how to understand working with pdf 's in Publisher. From the MuseScore-Forum I got this answer:

"The DPIs in PDF export are only used for embeded images. The reast doesn#t have DPI being used as it is vectorized. No idea how Affinity Publisher gets to these 72DPI"

It's annoying that working on a file gives me the low quality of the pdf: all the music lay-out have shadows, for example. When I export the Publisher-file to a new pdf, it looks fine: no bad quality of the music lay-out. I just do not understand what I miss here. I really would like to see high quality pdf in Publisher, to be able to work very precise.

Hope somebody can help me know what to do. 


Thank you




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