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I have a strange issue with layers and masks.

After completing some editing I merged the layers into a new pixel layer. I then wanted to change the colour temperature so I added a new White Balance layer however this only applied the change to part of the image. The same thing happens with all layers meaning that I can't edit the main body of the image. It would appear that the that the White Balance Adjustment that I made to part of the image is now "stuck" in the merged image.

To illustrate this I've taken a screen shot with an exposure adjustment maxxed out and the only part of the image affected is the bright bar above the middle of the cheetah's head.

Any ideas about what I've done wrong and/or how to resolve the issue?

If you think that this is a bug I can upload the .afphoto file but it's about 250MB.


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When an adjustment layer is created, its built-in mask is based on any active pixel selection. The thumbnails of the Exposure and White Balance adjustment layers being mostly black suggest that you had a small pixel selection above the cat's head when adding these adjustments. When the strength of selection is below 50% for all of a selection's pixels, no marching ants will be displayed and it's easy to not realise that there is a selection.

Edited by anon2
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