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Which file format and configs to use with Iconjar?

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Hey guys, I need a little bit of help here, im currently learning how to design and trying to make some icons of my own, like simple ones, I downloaded the iconjar app  so I can manage my icons better, tag them and other stuff. I use affinity designer on the iPad and I have a little problem with the export function, which is the format, size and configurations of the icon I should export to the app? I mean, I dont have much experience with vector files and I usually see those being handled with .svg files but something seems off, should I create slices with each icon on group or something? Feel free to suggest tutorials, apps and stuff to create and manage icons

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Hi Heldilira, 

Welcome to the forums :)

I think you might be best using slices to export your icons to SVGs for this. In regards to the best sizes / formats you might be better off asking iconjar this.



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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