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Synced "inpainting"

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I am a texture artist for CG and thus work on multi image/channel materials.      I love "content aware"    "inpainting"   or whatever you call it.  it's so  refreshing  from a tedious manual job.    

There is only one problem. In current state it's  100% useless  for my job.    Would be so much better if we could record a macro  of inpainting    on color rgb "channel"    and then  re-play it on  "height"  and  "roughness"  channels. Different images representing  other material properties .   So once "inpaint"  copy and fuse fragments  to fill a selected area  I could  copy the same fragments  into same order and positions on height image.

Adobe Alchemist  and Artomatix Art engine  already work that way .   I pretty much hate both of them. They do have cool stuff indeed but   nevertheless so  inconvenient in every feature  and  so un-intuitive to work with I can't tolerate  them.  

    Just  make macro panel  to record how the soft does the inpaint on first image please to recreate in sync on other one .    Like  it can with patch tool.      And BTW add mirroring to patch tool please. it already so much better than Photoshop one. Make it the absolute best please.

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