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How (s)he did this image?

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Firstly, I am not sure I am allowed to upload the image due to copyrights. Sorry for the link. I don't want to get Serif or myself in trouble.

I wonder how the artist did this image? I presume it's one image, layered, center in focus, left/right layers slightly shifted, opacity used, and some brushing, some blur. Although it could have been a 2nd image with motion blur, that's hard to control though.  

I really like this style and can see some motives it could be used on.


Creator: Feddy

Source, plus alternate links (all same image, just in case): 




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Pretty sure there's a motion blur effect involved here. The blur might have been done right at the scene by first shooting the still image and then another one while moving the camera up or down with a slow shutter speed. I'm much more of a retoucher than a photographer though, so I can't say for sure. It can certainly be done in post: I would duplicate the image layer, apply a motion blur filter with vertical direction to it and then mask out the center part of the image to reveal the original area with the church floor.

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