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One key export OR Unity import plugin

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I'm a games developer on a team who uses Unity during our daily development workflow along with a graphical software like Photoshop and/or Affinity Photo. Over the years I've been using Photoshop to create certain graphical assets in PSD format that are consumed directly within Unity itself and I'm trying to move our workflow over to Affinity Photo. However, one seemingly small, but actually large issue exists that gets in our way, exporting/importing.

With photoshop, a quick CTRL-S was enough to save the file into Unity in a format that required no more processing, however for AP it's a different story. Unity does not directly understand the AP format and the export process to PSD takes orders of magnitude longer in AP than in photoshop for user actions. With AP, you have to stop your work, hit File->Export->PDF->Export->Click a filename->Save. While this can be done in just a few seconds, it's long enough to break your concentration and thought pattern, where CTRL-S in 'shop is so quick it's essentially subconscious. This small difference is a huge change in how workflow proceeds (or not) for a designer. This then becomes a large workflow issue because we all frequently save or projects, often dozens or 100's of times during the production of an asset.

1) Can we please either have a Unity import plugin which would keep the AP file format as a 1st class citizen, which would further promote it as a file format in the games industry

- or -

2) Have a on-click, one-keystroke Export function?


I'd also point out that AP's built in macro facility deliberately does not support Export, which I find very suspicious, which would potentially be a 3rd solution. (image included)

I'm not looking for any sort of Batch processing.

Unfortunately this workflow breaking export procedure is actively stopping us from using AP as our daily driver.


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While what I've said above is still an issue, I've found a workaround for my very specific current issue.

Check  "save over imported PSD files" and you can directly save over PSD without needing to export.

I feel this option should be set by default with maybe an initial warning as it would help people migrate to AP from 'Shop


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