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Error when working with Smart Objects


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Hi guys!  When will it work fine with psd files that have smart objects enabled?  I bought your program just for the sake of it, but it does not correctly display psd files that have smart objects enabled.
I bought a program to work with a mock-up.

I have this button enabled.  it opens Files with Smart Objects without any problems.  but it is not possible to work with them further.  does not work correctly with layers.





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Hi @cyberg,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
The PSD format is proprietary/closed. Not all features/functionality provided by Photoshop are supported or translate directly to Affinity features. When unsupported features are part of smart objects we simply rasterise the whole layer on import as we have no way to translate them to something usable. Certain perspective/distortions used in some mockup are not supported and that seems the case you are dealing with. We are continuously working to improve PSD compatibility, but being a closed/poorly documented format (besides being a moving target as Adobe keeps changing it to support more features) it's a slow difficult task.

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